Wednesday, August 31, 2016

new masthead

Jarred machined a new masthead. The old cast aluminum one had a bunch of holes drilled through it through the years as people added stuff, and the moving parts were pretty shot. The new one is both simpler and more complicated. We ditched the old anchor light (we'll hang a new one from a halyard at night after charging it during the day.) In the front, we added a doppler windicator and a new spinnaker halyard block so that someday and we can buy a bigger spinnaker and fly it from the top in light winds. In the back, the mainsail halyard block is brand new - the old one was pretty trashed and it was hard to get the sail up. And we're adding a "flicker" off the back for potentially buying a square top main in the future.
old masthead at top, new one at bottom.
new masthead hooked up to top of mast.

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